8. Host burnout
Hosting can be exhausting, especially if you are successful. Some hosts find that they feel pressure to accept every reservation request or cater to a guest’s every whim. It is important to find a level of business that works for you and fits your goals.
Many hosts feel the strain of hosting especially when reading negative reviews. It is really difficult not to take certain comments to heart, but you must learn not to view reviews as personal attacks. Accept and act on constructive criticism and ignore the nasty guests. There will always be an unhappy guest, and it is impossible to make everyone happy.
Experienced hosts say that focusing on ratings can cause a lot of stress, and feel pressured to maintain their Superhost status and high star rating.
I have mixed feelings about this approach. While dealing with ratings and Superhost status is stressful, you are in business to make money and Superhosts make the most money. I’m not saying your rating should be everything, but it should be important to you to provide your guests with a five-star experience. A five-star experience is what builds a loyal return customer base, which you will be grateful for in the slower months.

There are many ways to relieve the stress of hosting. It is important to take some time off when you feel you are burning out. Block out a few days that are unlikely to get booked anyway, or connect with a co-host or management company to take over some or all of your responsibilities for a few days or indefinitely.
You can also raise your minimum stay by a night or two for a few weeks to reduce on the laundry and cleaning. Getting a few extra sets of linens can also relieve the laundry pressure.
Turning off instant booking for a few weeks can also relieve the stress of always being “on call.”
One host on Airbnb’s community forum suggests that you invest a large portion of your revenue back into your property, so that “even a terrible guest pays to make the place nicer.”
Another host suggests you set a maximum amount you want to make each month, and once you reach it, block out the rest of the days and relax.