1. Always shoot for Superhost status
Superhosts are Airbnb’s most experienced and professional hosts. According to Airbnb, Superhosts make an average of 22 percent more than regular hosts on the platform.
You always want to shoot for Superhost status from the beginning. Superhosts get a nifty badge next to their name and listing, and get all kinds of perks from Airbnb, including increased visibility that will translate into more reservations.
Airbnb evaluates hosts for Superhost status on a quarterly basis.

Superhosts are evaluated on:
High rating: Superhosts must have at least a 4.8 rating overall
Responsiveness: Superhosts must respond to inquiries within 24 hours 90 percent of the time
Activity: Superhosts must host at least 10 trips per year
Reliability: Superhosts must not have cancelled a reservation within the last year.
Superhost standards are high, but by no means unreachable if you follow all the principles set forth in this guide and treat your guests the way you would like to be treated.