1. Do you have time to host?
While short-term hosting can be very profitable, it is also incredibly time consuming. To be a Superhost, you need to put your guests first. They are spending their vacation at your property and—within reason—their comfort and satisfaction come first.
Superhosts are Airbnb’s most experienced, top-rated hosts. Superhosts must meet certain criteria to earn their status, and are evaluated four times per year. Superhosts receive a number of perks and, according to Airbnb, they earn an average of 22 percent more than other hosts.
Hosting requires a lot of time spent cleaning, doing laundry, scheduling, greeting guests, and answering their inquiries.
You must also keep in mind that you will be working while most people are on vacation and that your busiest dates may be during holidays.
You need to be flexible and responsive to your guests’ schedule and communication must be prompt. Guests aren’t always considerate and you will be answering late-night calls and emails. It all comes with the territory.
While we have a few tips for streamlining your business, there is no avoiding the amount of time it takes to be a successful host.